Stolen Egrets from Linde Reserve

In April this year the Committee wrote to Council following the observation that the beautifully artistic sculpture “The Egrets” was missing from their usual position in Linde Reserve, Stepney.

One of the great features of Linde Reserve is the collection of public art sculptures by metal artists Will Kuiper and Meliesa Judge.

In May the Council confirmed in correspondence to SPRA that the missing egrets were presumed stolen and that an insurance claim has been lodged. SPRA understands that the artists provided a quote to recast the sculptures and that the insurance claim has been paid.

At a meeting of the Committee in October, the Committee resolved to follow up with correspondence enquiring whether the Council has any plans to replace the stolen sculptures with similar artworks and, if so, what measures will be taken to reduce the risk of further thefts and damage to artworks within Council reserves?

This enquiry was sent to Council in early November, and despite follow up requests a reply has not been received.