Content that is primarily focused on the St Peters Residents' Association.

Newsletter - August 2013

General Meeting
All residents are invited to a GENERAL MEETING
Tuesday 8th October 2013 at 7.30 pm
St Peters Youth Centre
2 Cornish Street Stepney

Topic: Residential Development and Quality of Life
Guest Speaker: Steven Marshall, Member for Norwood

Please forward this newsletter on to others that may be interested. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, please email newsletter@stpeters.asn.au to subscribe.

Newsletter - 15 Feb 2013

Welcome to the first email newsletter of the St Peters Residents' Association (SPRA). This newsletter discusses the Residential Development Planning Amendment, the Rally at 2pm on Monday 18th and the new website. SPRA believes that new development should complement the valued character of existing residential areas and be of a high standard. It is committed to helping residents maintain or improve the character and amenity of their residential areas.


For over 50 years SPRA has been a non-party political resident action group with members from Hackney, College Park, St Peters, Joslin, Stepney, Maylands and Evandale suburbs in Adelaide, South Australia. Financial membership allows you to vote at our annual general meeting and join the committee.

We appreciate the support of our members. It ensures continued representation at Council level to protect the things that are special about our locality - low-density living and the generally good amenities.

About Us

The St. Peters Residents Association was formed in the 1970s when the former St. Peters Council proposed allowing demolition of the area’s historic houses and to encourage the erection of higher density two-storey walk up flats, This was a time when Don Dunstan wanted to build 10-storey flats at Hackney. Fortunately the residents of Hackney rose in revolt and the government retreated. The St Peter’s Council then zoned a large part of the Town as Residential 1 so protecting the old homes. This was later further protected by the declaration of Historic Conservation Zones.
