
Consultation: On-street Parking Policy

On-street parking is a topic that can lead to animated discussion, as evidenced by council's proposed removal of parking controls in St Peters.

NPSP Council are consulting on the 'Draft On-street Parking Policy'. The policy is important as it will set the guidelines for which users (e.g. residents, employees, etc.) are prioritised in different regions and how parking controls are implemented. Submissions close on 3 July 2024.

Parking Control Removal

The St Peters Residents Association (SPRA) has been contacted by a number of residents regarding the proposed removal of all parking controls on First Avenue, Second Avenue and Harrow Road, including Residential Parking permits.

These controls were implemented at the request of residents over a number of years.

SPRA’s opinion is that if the Council took the foolish step of removing the parking controls, then soon we would find ourselves having a conversation about reintroducing them.

Update:'investigation and Recommendations' report by PA Consultancy added.